Sunday, November 29, 2009

Grace in Small Things 14/365

1. My husband making an appetizer dinner for us tonite. Hummus, pita, veggies, cold-cuts... yum.

2. This picture:

3. Feeling hope for the next few months. I haven't felt very optimistic in a long time. It's a good feeling!
4. Jaime coming into town in a few weeks! I CANNOT WAIT!!!!

1 comment:

Jaime Joshi said...

1. That sounds delicious! I love the way they serve hummus in Middle Eastern restaurants -- with a little drizzle of olive oil. SO good!
2. I love that picture too. It's Classic Dana-and-Steve!
3. In the words of Andy Dufresne - "Hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things, and no good thing ever dies."
4. KADBNKJSBFKJSGAKJBJ@#@%$^&%&%##@ That's basically my reaction to coming into town! I can't wait!

And finally, 5. the Captcha code for this comment says 'Coack' which reminds me of 'Cock' which makes me laugh my ass off....because I am a 13-year-old boy! :)