Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Grace in Small Things 13/365

1. - Bubbalou's Bodacious BBQ for dinner. It's got three dancing pigs on the sign. You can get a dish called the "Big Big Pig." How classy can you possibly get! De-li-c-ious!

2. Finding a new gym that has ZUMBA classes. Never heard of Zumba, but after watching for a few minutes I've come to the conclusion that it includes people shaking their arses to Middle Eastern music. I like.

3. Cute little student of mine being my little helper today because I wasn't feeling well. Said student organized the computer area, chairs and then came up to me and asked - "Is there anything else I can help you with Mrs. Heydorn?" Too cute!


Special on National Geographic about the Appalachian Trail. Now I am by no means a nature/outdoorsy person... but this really looked beautiful. Apparently it stretches from Georgia to Maine and people spend 5-6 months hiking the whole length of it. That seems really scary to me... but on the other hand, I can understand why someone would want to experience something like that. My idea of going backpacking is taking the Eurorail through Western Europe. Not as daring but definitely just as exciting!

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