Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Grace in Small Things 11/365

Time to pick this up again. I've had a pretty good week so far. My head is full of negative thoughts though about this pregnancy thing. Why do I have so many fertile friends? lol

Anyways, no negativity in this post. Time to focus on the GOOD!

1. OWL CITY - totally, completely in love with this music. I spent the past three weeks literally shunning all the other music on my iPod to listen to Owl City. I now can sing pretty much every word to every song on the CD. You can't be in a bad mood when you listen to it. It simply is not possible.


Adam Levine. He just does it for me. Can't explain why. It's not rational. lol

3. Pumpkin Spice coffee - I have spent the past couple of months completely immersing myself in pumpkin flavored products. Muffins, bread, coffee, tea... doesn't matter. I love it all. Well, I decided that Starbucks' Pumpkin coffee is garbage. Dunkin Donuts definitely has the best one! It's so delicious... I am definitely going to miss it when the season is over.

4. Cooler (and by FL standards that means in the low 80s) weather. Thank gawd. Now I just need it to dip below 65 and I'll truly be happy.

5. Scarves - I wish I could wear one every day. I love the one I bought in Costa Rica from a street vendor. Burgundy, mustard and brown with gold threads sewn through it. It's gorgeous and it makes me think of the awesome time I had there with my girls.

Ahhh. This post made me feel better.

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