Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Still waiting...

Waiting between cycles really sucks. I always wonder if this next month will be the one. I'm impatient (pretty much in all I do) so it makes it 10x worse. Any day now though. Will I become a Momma this month? I sure hope so. I'm getting tired of writing my damn cycles all over our kitchen calendar and buying ovulation strips. Just sayin'.

On a more positive note... being healthy is awesome. I've noticed a couple of changes in my body in the past few weeks. Mostly, I have this huge change in my energy levels. I used to crash around 1:30pm every day. That's about the time I move from working with my reading class to doing small reading groups. I sit at a table with 7-8 kids and as soon as my butt hit that chair I would start yawning. Since I started eating clean, I haven't had this happen. Around that time I usually drink about 8 oz. of water and it seems to be reenergizing me. Also, since I've been eating much more protein and healthy carbs, that's probably helping.

Another change: I haven't had a headache in two weeks. I used to get headaches every day. They were so bad in October/November that I had to leave work one day and go to the urgent care clinic. My migraines were actually causing the "floaters" (spots in my vision) to worsen. My doc told me that it was caused by stress and my sinuses. Well, since I've been drinking more water and cutting sugar out I haven't had headaches.

The last thing I've noticed is in my physical appearance. I noticed that my clothes are fitting more loosely. My skin is starting to clear up. Ever since I stopped taking the pill I've had some acne issues. My eyes look brighter.

Ladies and gentlemen, I am a believer in eating clean and organic! I think the biggest positive to it all is that I've been eating a TON of veggies. I'm not even that tempted to eat junk anymore because I see the changes and it's making me realize just how polluted my body must be.

Time for a little detox before baby Heydorn comes into existence. :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hope this is your month, girl! :)