Monday, July 13, 2009

Grace in Small Things 1/365

I got this idea from Jaime and I thought it was a great idea. Sometimes the stress makes me overlook the good that surrounds me.

1. Finishing up the first season of Tru Blood. (and Sam Merlotte and his yummy little self)
2. My mom calling to tell me that she loves the way we're fixing up our house.
3. Painting the cabinets all by myself.
4. The Book Thief - quite possibly one of the best books I've ever read. Absolutely beautiful.


Jaime Joshi said...

I'm so glad you're doing this too. Growing older doesn't have to mean growing colder and I'm definitely going to take steps to ensure that doesn't happen.

And dude, Sam Merlotte? Want. Want. Want!

D said...

Yes, I love this idea! I read somewhere that this was a good way to combat depression... it's so easy to focus on the bad!