Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Goodbye 26

In about 30 minutes, it will officially be my birthday.

I have mixed feelings about this.

Also, I am a little bit drunk right now... so I don't know how coherent this post is going to be... but ahh well.

I have mixed feelings about this because I am glad of where I've come. I've done a lot since college, I've really figured out who I am, I've worked hard and established a career.

I'm sad because I haven't accomplished anywhere near what I expected I'd accomplish at this point.

I feel like I'm stuck in the middle of being a kid and an adult. I'm not ready to throw myself head-on into adulthood... mortgages, babies, bills, etc etc... but yet I'm not in the college mentality anymore. I'm stuck in that awful limbo that is the mid-twenties. Although, technically I've just left my mid-twenties behind. *sigh*

This year I want to:

Travel to Spain
Read 50 books
Write a song
Sing in public
Get another tattoo
Paint a picture
Sell my cards/invites on the internet
Learn how to bake a wedding cake
Work on my book
Meet 5 new friends
Speak more Spanish
Paint my house
Run in at least 2 5Ks

I could continue adding to this list... but these are the things that come to mind first in my inebriated state.

Life is too short to settle on, "I guess this is OK." I need to start feeling that passion that I used to feel. I need to start taking risks again and living the way that gives me butterflies in my stomach. I have it in me. I need to just LIVE!!!


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