Monday, October 26, 2009

Finally a victory!

The special needs child in my classroom is finally being moved to the special classroom that he needs. I can breathe a sigh of relief not only for myself (no more desks being thrown!) but for him. He will be in a classroom with only 6 other children and 3 teachers. I can't wait to hear how he does with it all.

Another bit of good news today - I was nominated for Teacher of the Year! I'm one of the finalists at my school. Now they'll do another vote and come up with a winner. It means a lot to me because it was decided on by my fellow teachers.

Same ol' stuff going on lately with the job/career uncertainty. I am still considering all the options I talked about on here before. But another thing came up today. UCF is offering a grant for teachers to get their Masters in Reading Education. I'm going to the informational session next month to see if this would be an option for me. Reading is my passion... so why not become more specialized?

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