Friday, November 28, 2008

Isla de Encanto... parte dos

So this could officially be the last vacation that Steve and I will have with just us. We are going to start trying to make a baby soon. I'm so thrilled because Steve is actually the one that pointed out the afforementioned fact to me. We are ready to start a family and it seems to be all we've been talking about lately. I started on the prenatal vitamins a week or so ago, and this will be my last month on birth control. It's kind of exciting to think of myself as a mother. It's one of those things that I just know I am meant to do.

Puerto Rico has been great. Mainly because these have been the most relaxing few days that I've had in a long time. We had no agenda, no schedule, and no pressure on this trip. I've been able to sleep in, get a tan, and drink lots of beer. All in all, those are the three requirements for a great Caribbean vacation in my book!

Puerto Rico is a great place, but I think that I don't appreciate it as much because I grew up by the ocean. It's something that's always been a part of my life, so the novelty has worn off for me. The highlight of this trip, for me, was meeting some of the locals and getting to use some of my rusty Spanish.

1 comment:

Miss Jaime said...

The fact that you said you were thankful for burritos as big as your face kinda makes you my hero.

God, I miss TJ Flats! Hey, you know what would be awesome (and totally disgusting)? If TJ Flats marketed a huge-ass burrito called the 'Tijuana Toilet Cracker.'

You know that Steve and Jerry would buy that shit!

God, I miss you!