Saturday, January 16, 2010


Some major changes coming in the next few months. For the first time in a while, I feel optimistic about the future. I feel like I'm going to be doing something that brings a smile to my face. In all honesty, I haven't felt peace in my soul in a long time and that frustrates me. It is a truly difficult decision to come to the realization that you may have strayed down the wrong path and it's even harder to admit that you have to start over.

No baby yet.

But that's not what this post is about. This post is about my career and my personal life. I never knew that when I became a working adult that it would be so hard to find time to do the things that I really enjoy. Singing, books, being artistic. All those things have fallen by the wayside and it's time for me to pick them back up.

I'm excited for this school year to finish and for a new beginning to start for Steve and I.

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