Monday, September 22, 2008


In the past week, I have read 3 out of the 4 Twilight Saga books. I was skeptical at first - they seemed like they might be a little too teenage-angsty-drama-ish. After reading the first one though, I could not stop. Yes, the subject matter is kinda corny if you think about it (A girl in love with a vampire... she's also best friends with a werewolf...), but if you just sit back and enjoy it for what it is, you will not be dissapointed.

The story centers around Isabella "Bella" Swan, a 17 year old who moves up to the depressingly wet town of Forks, Washington to live with her father after her mother remarries. She meets Edward Cullen, a strikingly handsome and confounding classmate of hers. Drama ensues... they become friends... she discovers he's a little less than human... and they fall in love.

I am not one for the sappy love novel and if you're with me on that - no need to worry here. There's enough action and suspense to counteract the gushy love stuff. I love the way Meyer gives you insight into what's going on inside her characters heads. Bella's character is funny and endearing, so much that you could almost imagine her being a friend of yours. I always thought that these books would be more aimed towards the adolescent crowd, but the storyline and issues that are brought up are definitely relevant to a more mature audience.

Since last Saturday, I also read books 2 and 3 (New Moon and Eclipse) and they just kept getting better. New Moon started out a little slow for my taste, but it did introduce a new and interesting character, Jacob Black. He's an old family friend that Bella becomes close with during a difficult time in her life. He's a complex character and adds a little more drama to the already juicy plot. Eclipse tied together a lot of the loose ends from New Moon and leaves you anxiously jumping into Breaking Dawn, the final book.

So regardless if you're 15 or 35, you should definitely check out the Twilight Saga. I promise you won't be able to pull yourself away until you're finished them all (take it from me....).

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