Sunday, September 7, 2008

All the stars and boulevards ain't close enough for you...

I'm in a really weird phase of my life right now. The past couple of months have been hugely stressful and trying. Steve's brother was living with us for a while and we got wrapped up in his family drama. Even though it didn't directly involve us - being there around it all the time was extremely hard for us. Once he left, Steve and I have been going back and forth about what we want to do with our lives... when will we start having children... how can we move into a bigger house... and on and on.

I have the type of personality where I can't leave things unresolved. Everytime we have one of these "discussions" I feel more and more frustrated because nothing is going to get resolved in an angry discussion occuring at 8pm on a Tuesday night. If anything, we go to bed angry and the whole cycle starts again the next day.

Fortunately, we have a strong marriage and open lines of communication. We decided to come down to West Palm to visit my folks and for once we didn't have any definite plans. Just to come and relax. GREAT idea. We spent most of yesterday getting tanned and laying in my parent's pool. Then we watched about 5 hours of football and went to bed early. I feel refreshed and energetic and for once positive about what the next few months may bring.

Things are not perfect (nor will they ever be...), but I think that if I can be patient and keep my head on straight - Steve will figure out what his path is. I need to just stick to mine and his will come with time.

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