Friday, September 18, 2009

Things that I despise

Okay, well I know before I abandoned blogging in the past month I was focusing on the positive. But I literally had the week from hell and I am allowed to wallow in self-pity for a bit.

- Feeling behind. Missing work for a week has left me completely overwhelmed. I haven't even gone back yet and my mind is spinning. I am going to need a super-sized Xanax by Monday at 3pm.

- Feeling helpless. I felt like a big bag o' crap all week long. I couldn't even get off the couch and clean my house which drove me crazy!

- Frustration. The kids that I teach leave me feeling frustrated for most of the day. How can I break through to them? Some days I feel like I am standing at the front of the class, waving my arms, screaming practically - all for nothing. They just don't get it. School is a drag and they don't care what I say... it'll never change their (or their family's for that matter) opinion.

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