Sunday, October 5, 2008

Another journey first?

Steve and I have been discussing starting a family for the past six months or so. We've been trying to prepare ourselves both financially and mentally for the challenges of being parents. Throughout the whole process we've always been discussing whether or not we should wait - or whether the time is right. I personally know that I am more than ready to be a mother.

The only problem is that we really would love the opportunity to live abroad. We told ourselves that we could always do it later, when our children are older. I'm sure that that could be a possibility... but after having children, will life ever be this uncomplicated again?

An opportunity has presented itself:

There is this amazing organization,, that places teachers in American schools in South America. I have a teacher friend that did this in Mexico for a few years. Basically, if you are qualified, you sign a 2 year contract and teach at an international private school that teaches the American curriculum.

I am applying. If all goes well, Steve and I will be traveling to Atlanta in December to attend their job fair. If I get hired, we'd leave in August 2009 and stay for two years. The best part is that we'd get to bring the dogs with us also. We'd also be paid in both local currency and USD.

First things first, I need to get that application in. Then we need to decide which South American countries we would want to live in.

I want to be a mother... but won't I be a better mother if I experience the things that I've always dreamt about? If I don't at least try for this, will I be resentful towards Steve and disappointed in myself? What if I start to feel stuck? I don't want to feel those things and when I have a child I want my life to be 100% dedicated towards them. I need to get my selfish "travel needs" out of the way.

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