Tuesday, July 29, 2008

The Worry "Cure"

So I am a worrier. My mom is, my grandma probably was, and I'll probably pass this wonderful neurosis on to my lucky future children one day.

My worrying has morphed into full blown anxiety causing attacks and depression. It's not fun.

Well, today I found this great book:

I almost put it back on the shelf, but I started flipping through it and it kind of frightened me just how much of this applies to me. People always say, "Just don't worry so much!" "Relax!" "There's no need to be so stressed..." But what people don't realize is that this worrying is so ingrained in who I am, that it's an unconscious process.

It seriously sounds like this doctor wrote this about me. I am so excited to read it because hopefully it'll give me some insight into what I can do to fix this.

The thing that really hooked me into buying this book was this:

The Seven Rules of Highly Worried People

1. If something bad could happen- if you can simply imagine it0 then it's your responsibility to worry about it.

2. Don't accept any uncertainty- you need to know for sure. (This one REALLY applies to me)

3. Treat all of your negative thoughts as if they are really true.

4. Anything bad that could happen is a reflection of who you are as a person. (Another that I do ALL THE TIME)

5. Failure is unacceptable.

6. Get rid of any negative feelings immediately.

7. Treat everything like an emergency.

I read these and almost started crying - my whole life I've approached my life like this. I have to solve all my problems tonight... right now! Before I go to sleep. I usually lay in bed thinking about things and getting up sometimes to write lists.

Anyways, this post is mainly to say that I am stoked that I am not the only person out there that goes through this. There might be hope for me. :)

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