Monday, December 21, 2009

It is incredible how invigorated and rested I feel after only one day on vacation. Just knowing that I don't have to go to work tomorrow lifts this huge weight from my shoulders. It's not that I hate my job... I love working with children. It's just the extreme stress that I'm subjected to each day is really taking a toll on me physically. For the first time in weeks, I woke up feeling energized. I actually didn't get a headache today either. Which is a miracle in itself since I get headaches daily.

Needless to say, I really needed this vacation.

We don't really have anything major planned over the break. Sometimes I wish that Steve had become a teacher as he originally planned so that we'd have vacations together. I can't complain though... he has a really great job.

Baby frustration has been mounting in the past couple of months and as the new year approaches I feel even more frustrated. I figured I'd have a little munchkin of my own by this point... or at least be pretty far in my pregnancy. I was late by 3 days this time and I thought I might be pregnant. Instead, I woke up on Sunday with the worst cramps I've ever had in my life. I ended up downing a huge painkiller and spending Sunday in a drug-induced haze of self pity. Not fun.

For the first time in years, Steve and I aren't going to have to drive down to West Palm and up to Ocala within a few days. WOOHOO! We love our parents, but the traveling is starting to get a little old. This Christmas we're celebrating at my sister's house here in Orlando and then driving up to Ocala. Can't wait! I am in a little shock that this year's coming to a close. Wow... 2009, you generally sucked. Heh.

Anyways, long "2009 Recap" post to come...! Happy Holidays everyone.

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