Friday, April 10, 2009

Music is the script of life

I always have associated certain songs with trips that I've taken. Just like the smell of coffee and cigarettes takes me back to Madrid, there is music that makes me feel like I'm on the train again... or that I'm sitting in my seat 30,000 miles above the ocean on my way to another place.

Yesterday I was driving home from a particularly shitty and trying day at work. My eyes were bloodshot and my throat was hoarse from yelling all day. Head throbbing, I plugged in my iPod to try and escape. Clocks by Coldplay came on and I instantly remembered listening to that song on my return to Madrid to study abroad. It was ridiculous how much it made me literally ache inside.

If I ever hear Drops of Jupiter by Train, I feel like I'm driving down a winding road in Iceland... having to stop to avoid a herd of really huge Icelandic sheep.

Voce me Apareceu by Kaleidoscopio (look this one up, it's hiliarously fun) - I'm in a bathtub in Sicily relishing in my first bubble bath in a couple of months and resting my aching travel-feet.

I daydream of standing on top of the Emmanuel Building in Rome with my husband (fiance at the time) everytime I hear City of Blinding Lights by U2.

The list can go on forever. Travel and Music go hand in hand for me. How about you?

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