Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Making Decisions

Just when I think I have everything figured out... travel - you sneaky little obsession, you - come back to make me question my choices.

I am at a point in my life right now where I'm being pummeled by changes. In the past 8 months I:
Got married.
Moved to a different city.
Bought a house.
Switched jobs (and careers).
Decided to go back to school.

In the past months I have not:

I have felt generally good about all of these changes. I welcome change. However streessed I've been, deep down I live for the excitement and uncertainty change brings me. If my life falls into monotony, I always try and find ways to add some excitement.

In October, I decided that I was not happy with my profession and would be starting law school in the fall. It wasn't what I thought. I wasn' t done with school. "There's just so much more for me left to do," I told my husband. "I know that I can accomplish more." He supports and agrees with every choice that I've made.

Now, I'm starting to think about the implications of being a student (and thus POOR) for the next three years. One of the main problems I'm having is that there will be NO travel in my near future. Although I've traveled before on a student's budget, before I didn't have a mortgage, husband, and responsibilities.

Damn you responsibilities. How do people with all these burdens manage to find time to travel? Is there some secret formula to making sure that you take some time to enjoy yourself, while still working hard and keeping up with all your bills and burdens?

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